Jones Family Homestead

Family Photo Album

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Welcome to our family photo album.  The first few pictures are our newer pictures.  At the bottom of this page we have albums that contains most of our digital pictures.  These albums are new and we are still uploading more pictures that is on our computer and CD's.  So, please keep checking back.  We will keep you posted here on our progress of filling these albums.   We hope you enjoy our photos and feel free to leave a comment at the bottom of this page.

Jones Family
Sept 2008

Jones Family

This picture was taken September 14, 2008 in Bearden, OK. 

Abigail Ada Jones
September 14, 2008

Abigail Ada Jones

This picture was taken in our kitchen on September 13, 2008.  Abigail is sitting at the table and writting by oil lamp light.  Doesn't she look so cute and yet so smart.

Abigail Ada Jones
Abigail Ada Jones
September 12, 2008

Abigail Ada Jones

This is our 2 year old daughter.  She is getting so big and doing so much now.  It is fun seeing her grow up.  This picture was taken September 12, 2008.  She loves to push the spreader around and pretend she is speading stuff on the yard.  I think I know who is going to be spreading the Diatomaceous Earth this coming spring.

Micah Nathanial Jones
September 13, 2008

Micah Nathanial Jones

This is our 5 month old son.  This picture was taken on September 13, 2008. 


Please leave us a comment and let us know what you think of our pictures.

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